To ensure that our activities are carried out in a transparent, responsible and efficient manner, we have adopted various instruments, norms, regulations and policies that guide our line of conduct.
Galp´s By-Laws are the fundamental document which defines systematic approach of our corporate structure, describing the governance model adopted by the Company and defining the core parameters by which the powers are allocated to each of the governing bodies. By-Laws also define the governing body’s rules and procedures, their correlation, as well as the shareholders rights and the manner in which such rights may be exercised. By-Laws may only be altered by the General Shareholders Meeting by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.
The Code of Ethics and Conduct is a vital part of our framework, defining the core principles and high ethical standards that allow us to create and maintain a trust-based relationship with our co-workers, shareholders, customers, suppliers and representatives of the communities.
The Regulation defines the powers, duties and operation rules of Galp´s Board of Directors.
The Regulations of the Executive Committee defines the powers, duties and operation rules of Galp´s Executive Committee.
The Regulation defines the powers, duties and operation rules of Galp´s Audit Board.
These Regulations defines the mission, composition, duties and operation of the Galp Ethics and Conduct Committee
These Regulations defines the mission, composition, duties and operation of the Galp Sustainability Committee
These Regulations defines the mission, composition, duties and operation of the Galp Risk Management Committee
These Regulations defines the mission, composition, duties and operation of the Galp Audit Committee
These Regulations defines the mission, composition, duties and operation of the Galp HSEQ Board
The Risk Management Policy ensures that risks and opportunities are appropriately monitored and inherent exposure is managed in accordance with the Galp's risk appetite, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements within the framework of the best corporate governance practices.
The Corruption Prevention Policy provides Galp with tools to prevent corruption risks, achieving continuous improvements.
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy establishes the Galp’s commitment to adopt the best operational and governance practices that guarantee the integration of the fundamental principles and issues of Corporate Social Responsibility in the ethical, social, environmental and economic fields throughout its value chain and level of influence.
Health, Safety and Environmental Policy sets out our commitment to the continuous improvement of the performance on Safety, Health and the Environment, by reducing negative impacts while maximizing the positive effect of our activities.
Community Investment Policy establishes the Galp´s commitment to continuously improve the performance of its investments in the community, with the aim of creating shared value in a long-term perspective.
Tax Policy establishes the Galp´s recognition of the importance of adopting and implementing international best practices in terms of fiscal transparency.
The Communication Policy aims to ensure, with accuracy, clarity and transparency, the alignment between the Company's reality and how its various audiences perceive it.
Galp assumes the defence and promotion of Human Rights.
The policy on the prevention of money laundering and terrorism funding establishes the commitment to fight every active or passive form of crime profit skimming to cover up its illegal sources.
The Diversity Policy for the Board of Directors and Audit Board establishes the criteria to promote diversity in each body.
The Harassment Prevention and Reaction Policy establishes measures to ensure the monitoring of the evolution of best practices on prevention and response to harassment.
The Climate Change Policy establishes Galp's commitment to contribute to meeting the energy needs of the future.
The Quality Policy establishes Galp's commitment to achieving and maintaining the highest standards of quality, advancing progressively towards excellence in order to generate sustainable value for the Company and its stakeholders.
The Purchasing Policy establishes Galp's commitment to only establish or maintain relationships with suppliers who are committed to the principles set out in this Policy.
The Security Policy establishes Galp's commitment to protect its employees and assets in terms of Security, ensuring the adoption of appropriate measures to achieve this goal.
The Business Continuity Policy establishes Galp's commitment to ensure the necessary means to meet the demands of the business in order to ensure its continuity.
The Data Protection Policy establishes Galp's commitment to adopt procedures and measures for the correct treatment of personal data.
The Information Security Policy establishes measures for the correct performance and security of the information systems that support the Galp Group's business processes.
The Remuneration Policy establishes the remuneration principles for Galp's Governing Bodies
The Internal Control Policy establishes an internal control system in line with the best international practices for the regulation and supervision of the Galp Group's activities and business.
The Related Party Transaction Standard defines the criteria and procedures for controlling relevant transactions that are carried out between Galp and its related parties, to safeguard the Company’s interest in situations of possible conflicts of interest.
Reporting of Irregularities Procedure is a mechanism allowing any interested party related to Galp to report, on a confidential basis, to the Audit Board, through the Ethics and Conduct Committee, any knowledge or well-founded suspicion of occurrence of any irregularities or instances of non-compliance with the Code of Ethics and Conduct or other Galp´s regulations.